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On behalf of teachers and students nationwide, THANK YOU for helping STEM the problem of science literacy



With your generous donation of $30 or more today, we would like to send you a complimentary print copy of Inquiring about Plants: A Practical Guide to Engaging Science Practices.


This important step-by-step resource was developed for science teachers to help create a culture of inquiry in their classrooms If you would like to receive a copy of this helpful guide please provide us with your mailing address with your donation. It also makes a perfect gift for your favorite science teacher!


Your tax-deductible gift makes all of the difference. Your generosity today goes directly toward equipping our teachers and students in the uphill battle to improve science education and understanding.

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PlantingScience Book
With your $30 (or more) contribution, you can receive the book "Inquiring about Plants".
Inquiring About Plants
Inquiring About Plants
Inquiring About Plants
Inquiring About Plants
You must contribute at least $30.00 to get this item
Inquiring About Plants: A Practical Guide to Engaging Science Practices (Book)

Minimum: $30.00
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